Chris Rodbourne
Simple Integration Series
We are talking about integrating your web solution with a few important back-office technologies - the type of straightforward work that generates big benefits and operates seamlessly. We aren't discussing costly, long-winded integrations that also require you to change your business processes...
Email Marketing - Integration benefits
When your web site is integrated with your email marketing solution it enables, not least, the following benefits:
- CRM synchronisation and automatic subscription management:
- When your site's forms (and preference centres) capture user data and write it directly into your CRM or email marketing user database, then people can be automatically added to your email campaigns without any manual intervention
- Likewise, when a user unsubscribes from your campaigns, their subscription status can be automatically updated, which avoids all forms of manual and potential human error
- Finally, additional profiling data can be inferred from how users interact with your email campaigns and landing pages/forms - these data can be used to profile these users when everything is integrated - allowing you to target your next campaigns even more effectively - for better results
- Campaign tracking:
- Use tools like Google's URL Builder to create your UTM tracking codes for analytics purposes
- Use tools like AI's post-click tracking (PCT) to understand how users have interacted with your campaigns and what pages they've visited or downloads, purchases they've made following the link from your campaigns
- See below, since many of the benefits of SMS integration are also true of email marketing platform integrations
SMS, Email and Marketing Automation - Integration benefits
When your web site is integrated with your external SMS solution (see our related article on SMS) it enables, not least, the following benefits:
- The possibility of sending triggered and timely SMS contacts
- Initiating welcome and other SMS (and Email) campaigns upon specific user-exhibited web site behaviours - downloads, lead scores, sign-ups, renewals, purchases, subscription, etc
Marketing Automation - Integration benefits
This is list is just enormous!
If you don't have an integrated Marketing Platform then this may be the 'missing link' in your marketing - please see our dedicated page on AI Marketing Automation.
Other integrations that may be of interest
- We have integrated Direct Debit systems for customers offering subscription services - could this make repeat payments easier for your organisation?
- Analysis tools like Google Analytics and many others are very easy to integrate and can generate some really useful anonymous user insights
- Social media platforms offer many APIs that can deliver your LinkedIn, YouTube or Twitter feeds to any page on your site or allowing sharing of your content on any major social platform
- Address Finder systems improve your users' experience and the accuracy of your address data, could your billing or delivery address requests be improved?
- Order fulfilment integrations keep your customer informed of delivery details
- Stock, pricing, account discount integrations for your e-commerce systems make huge sense for some organisations
- Loyalty system integrations for your site or extranet can link purchases and account information directly to external loyalty programs
- User record analysis and enhancement systems can add additional profiling information to your CRM data to help with targeting and personlisation
- The list goes on...
In summary
We can deliver these benefits and many more, please contact us to discuss further...