
There are a good handful of useful tips for improving deliverability that are easy to implement.

We recommend considering:

  1. Subject Lines:

    • Subject lines are crucial for email open rates. A/B testing different lengths, urgency, scarcity, and use of emojis can help identify what resonates best with your audience. Despite Apple’s privacy changes affecting open rates, they remain a useful metric when combined with others
  2. Incentives:

    • Discounts are common but can affect brand perception. A/B testing different types of incentives, like percentage discounts, free gifts, or contest entries, helps find the balance between conversion rates and maintaining brand value. For example, offering a chance to win a prize may perform as well as a discount while preserving budget
  3. Seasonal Engagement:

    • Aligning email campaigns with holidays and seasons boosts engagement. Testing holiday-themed copy, on-brand visuals, and seasonal offers ensures that your messaging connects with your audience’s expectations and enhances consistency in your marketing efforts
  4. CTAs:

    • Calls to action (CTAs) should be clear and direct. A/B testing the number, placement, wording, and color of CTAs can significantly impact engagement rates. For example, experimenting with "Buy Now" versus "Learn More" can help determine the right level of urgency for your audience
  5. Email Design:

    • The design of your emails, including layout, color schemes, and the balance between text and images, can influence conversion rates. Testing different design elements allows you to discover what your audience responds to best, such as whether they prefer image-heavy or text-heavy emails
  6. AI Segmentation:

    • AI tools can create highly targeted audience segments quickly, leading to more personalised and effective campaigns. Predictive analytics help forecast customer behaviour, enabling you to tailor your messages to maximise engagement and revenue, based on insights like customer lifetime value (CLV) and churn risk
  7. Product Recommendations:

    • AI-driven product feeds allow for personalised recommendations within emails, enhancing relevance and increasing click-through rates. These recommendations are based on customer behaviour and past purchases, making your emails more likely to resonate with individual recipients
  8. Advanced A/B Testing:

    • Using AI, you can perform more sophisticated A/B tests that cater to individual audience preferences. Instead of just picking the winning variation for the majority, AI can predict which version of an email will work best for each recipient, ensuring a higher level of personalisation
  9. Send Times:

    • The timing of your emails can impact their effectiveness. A/B testing different times of day or days of the week, based on your audience’s routines and activities, helps identify optimal send times. AI tools can further refine this by analysing large datasets to suggest the best times
  10. Compliance:

    • Ensuring your emails meet legal standards like the CAN-SPAM Act is crucial. While testing is less relevant here, presenting compliance elements like unsubscribe links clearly and respectfully can build trust. Testing different copy around these elements can help reduce unsubscribe rates.
  11. Performance Monitoring:

    • Regularly tracking metrics such as deliverability, unsubscribe rates, click rates, and conversion rates is essential for ongoing optimisation. Monitoring these metrics allows for quick adjustments to improve campaign performance and achieve better overall results
  12. Warm-Up Tools:

    • Tools like Warmy help optimise email deliverability, allowing customisation of inbox warm-up with a focus on Google or Outlook

Of course, if any of the above are recommendations that you would like to try but your system simply doesn't allow it then please speak to us.


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