
Case study

Meridian Global Services

Meridian Global Services assist over 15,000 businesses across their 22 offices worldwide with the complexity of global indirect tax compliance and expenses management.

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When S-Digital first started working with Meridian in 2005, the same emails were being sent to every one of their 35,000 contacts from manually managed data sources. Very little analytical data were available to marketers to determine what was working online and what was not. It was proving almost impossible to separate the potential leads from the noise.

This case study relates to our ongoing strategic approach and more recent enhancements delivered in 2017 through to the present day.

The Solution

We were able to express our understanding of Meridian’s business and challenges by proposing a series of strategic deliverables, including new, multi-lingual web sites supported by an integrated and centralised email marketing and marketing automation solution. We also created a new container-based paradigm to extend layout and content control of all pages across the site.

Our in-depth proposal covered all aspects of the improvements required, including milestones, fixed costs, risk analysis and ongoing service levels. It also detailed the new capabilities of the container model:

Container CMS Model

Containers allow Meridian staff (and other AbsolutelyInteractive clients) to control the layout of their responsive pages using a menu of over 60 container styles that also utilise HTML5 animations. This offers the ultimate in content and layout control while ensuring correct operation across all main devices and browsers - the best of both worlds, i.e. content managed Nirvana!

This technology has also been applied to the building of Meridian's landing pages, which are of particular importance in Meridian's marketing tactics (especially since they are so well targeted via email and MA-based campaigns). The landing pages may include any layout and content, multiple video sections, dynamic and content managed forms (that feed data straight back into the CRM system), banners and animations.

The Outcome

The Outcome

Now, two major site redesigns since our initial site in 2005, we are happy that the new language sites have been launched and proving a great success, most notably generating a 1000% increase in qualified leads generated due to the MA innovations delivered by Absolutelyinteractive.

Other benefits of the new solution include:

  • Significant insights generated by detailed behavioural analytics of known users to improve conversions
  • Automation of all key customer journeys
  • Dynamic and detailed segmentation for campaigns including personalisation across any page on any of the new sites
  • Fully responsive redesign of multi-lingual web sites based on the container-model
  • Integrated Blog platform that auto-generates monthly personalised email newsletters and delivers blog content to all social platforms via XML feeds
  • iOS and Android apps linked to the blog’s tagged and topical content and unified customer profiles

More than a decade on from those first days we've been in a process of continuous improvement, as we hope is self-evident...


It has been a pleasure to work with the team at S-Digital for the past number of years they are quick to respond and provide support and solutions. Since implementing the MA platform we have seen a massive 1,000% increase in the quantity of relevant and profitable engagements being initiated through our inbound digital activities. Some of our lines of business have not only seen huge increases in engagements but also seen the time to close deals drop from months to weeks.


Derek O'Brien, Group Marketing Manager


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