
Case study

Australia MedicAlert Foundation Transformed

How the combination of our consultancy services and AI (CMS, CRM, Blog, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation and Business Process Automation) transformed the Australia MedicAlert Foundation by automating all major business processes and migrating all manual customer transactions to the web site, providing true self-service to members

About the Australia MedicAlert® Foundation (AMAF)

For almost 50 years, AMAF has been providing Australians with lifesaving assistance by providing inscribed jewellery describing wearers' medical conditions. This, alongside associated services, allows emergency services and healthcare professionals to see any member's full story and provide fast treatment when seconds count.

Proudly worn by more than four million people worldwide, MedicAlert's services are internationally recognised and recommended by the World Health Organisation and World Allergy Organisation.

Scoping the transformation

Although AMAF had a strong back-office and technical team, the organisation still delivered the majority of its members' services via telephone, emails and some basic web functionality. The outcome of this project would deliver all member services online, including full e-commerce, marketing automation, extensive member self-service functions and business process automation; leaving staff to focus on delivering improved customer interactions, growing the member base, extending our online platform and building partnerships

Collaborative and comprehensive

Our approach was based on many years of experience from delivering similar capabilities to MedicAlert UK and other organisations. A 10-week consultation process involved more than 40 international Google Hangouts covering pre-defined agendas, copious meeting notes, actions and collaborative documentation (using Google Docs). All of this information was brought together by S-Digital in a single 50+ page report that fully specified the agreed approach, design, timeframes, costs, risks and deliverables

Entirely transformative

The end results speak for themselves (please see statistics below). Six months of very hard work, collaboration, testing and a week long trip to Adelaide by S-D delivered all the user training and automation setup required to operate the entire system on a single switchover day - 120,000 members' data seamlessly migrated... This is another glowing example of our integrated AI MA and Business Process Automation solution that we're very proud of!

AI Business and marketing automation journeys

During his week long on-site training session in Adelaide, Chris Rodbourne (with key S-D staff members back in the UK) and key stakeholders from AMAF designed and created all of the initial Business Process Automation journeys required for go-live; to allow a hard switchover from AMAF's old site to the new.

This process was designed to be seamless and intuitive for members - based on the fact that the migration of all medical conditions, orders, member data, order data, etc took 10 days of planning and 60,000 lines of SQL scripts!

AMAF have gone on to add many new business and marketing customer journeys since the launch in October 2019 and many have subsequently been optimised. Some of these will have been test or replacement journeys too.

In just the first 11 months or so, these journeys have generated 118,000 priorised jobs for staff to deliver customer services and fulfil orders, triggered by over 7.5 million events processed by AI.

Could you imagine if this level of capability was available within your own organisation to replace manual tasks and create full traceability?

What is a Journey?

Here's a tiny part of the Main Order Journey:

Please take a moment to review how this journey operates and how it unifies and simplifies the human aspect of executing the process and, since every event and step of every journey for every member is audited, how transparent and measurable the entire process has become.

This example can be broken down into a few key stages:

  • Evaluate whether payment has been made or not and, if so, how it was paid
  • Evaluate whether the order requires a Clinician's intervention (to review the member's medical conditions prior to manufacture)
  • Throughout the process generate emails and SMSs to the customer/member to keep them up to date
  • Reflect the order status on the Orders and History area of the logged-in site
  • Place the order into production for manufacture/assembly
  • Place goods into fulfilment (with tracking information)
  • Generate the appropriate and fully personalised letters at the end of the process (around 12 letter variants based on new member status or not, first order or not, existing member, order for membership only, renewal, with/without jewellery, senior citizen or not, automatically applied discounts or not (veteran status), etc

A digital marketing powerhouse

S-D have delivered a digital marketing powerhouse, allowing AMAF's highly experienced marketing team to manage leads, customer welcome campaigns, promote new products, create content for specific audiences (members and affiliates), build reminder and renewal campaigns, deliver advanced promotions (more later) and design and despatch 100,000s of perfectly targeted emails.

Comprehensive Google Analytics integration provides detailed information relating to anonymous usage, goals, traffic information and how the e-commerce processes and conversions operate and can be optimised.

AI MA provides exact information including the specific indiviudal's or group's usage of the site, from visits, to downloads, to form completions, purchases, email campaigns interactions, logins, failed logins, etc.

Since the system went live

  • 475,385
  • 177,087
  • 29,438
  • 318,843
  • 19,249,218
  • 105,440
  • 3,790,233
  • 41,777
  • 13,765,513
  • 8,564,651 AUD

Primary benefits

Allowing customers to self serve is key to creating the time for staff to grow the business, deliver high levels of customer service and immediacy, focus on improving these services and planning for the future.

Customers can create their own medical records, upload medical documents that are made available to medical services and hospitals in an emergency, create/manage emergency and non-emergency contacts, update profiles, place orders, review past orders, track orders, create returns, create/cancel direct debits, auto-renew their memberships, manage family memberships through a primary account or create an account for a carer on behalf of one or more other people, create and update product and service reviews, order gift-cards, order jewellery and override the engraving text. The list goes on and on...

When staff receive calls from clients to who do not have Internet access, they can 'impersonate' the member and make changes on their behalf using the site. Everything is audited the same way (but with the staff credentials attributed too).

  •  Process automation delivers productivity/traceability
  •  Seamless UI delivers control to members and staff
  •  Secure PCI compliance for all transactions
  •  MA delivers growth and phenomenal insights
  •  S-D's ongoing support and service is exemplary
  •  A powerful and extensible framework for future


Our 7-minute Explainer Video demonstrates how our insightful design choices and software innovations overcame the Australian MedicAlert Foundation's complex requirements and delivers an awesome customer experience!

Watch Now!



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